
47 in stock



FORD SBF AFR Enforcer 190cc/64cc ULTRA HIGH FLOW CYLINDER HEADS, 289 302 347 351W ENGINES.

Setup for hydraulic roller cams.



The AFR Enforcer Ford heads listed on line have an incorrect combustion chamber size showing them to have 59cc chambers. The actual comb. chamber size is 64cc. The runner size also shows them to be 185cc. The correct runner size is 190cc. We have verified this at our shop.


Important note.

Our eBay user id is: skipwhite, and our eBay store name is whiteperformance1. You may have noticed other sellers using a similar name offering similar products. These other sellers have capitalized on our name as we see it, and many customers searching for us will inadvertently find them, thinking we are one in the same company. There is only one “Skip White.” We are the original premier eBay seller under this name since approximately 2003. We have no other eBay names, nor are we associated with any other company regardless of the similarity in the name or location. Our official company name is Skip White Performance. Please see the article in the lower part of this ad for a more detailed explanation.

See our many listings for the AFR Enforcer heads. We offer these heads setup for use with a hyd. roller cam or hyd. flat tappet cam. Be sure of what cam type you have when selecting the heads you need for your application.

Important note. 

These heads will include a full set of genuine ARP rocker studs. The other sellers of the Enforcer heads only offer these with the 3/8’s size rocker studs. We will allow you to chose the stud size, 3/8’s or 7/16’s. So be sure to let us know what stud size you would like. Adjustable AFR guide plates and studs included.


This sale is for one fully assembled set of heads.

The springs in these heads are set up to operate with hydraulic roller cams up to .600 lift. For those running flat tappet cams, see our other listings for these heads with the part number AFR-FORD-272.

The AFR Enforcer FORD aluminum heads have 64cc combustion chambers with 190cc runners, 2.02/1.60 stainless valves. These heads are not built by Procomp, and have no association with them in any way.

Spark plugs are in standard Ford location.

We certainly know where to draw the line with low end products, and we continue to eliminate parts that we once accepted but that eventually had problems. Sometimes it’s not that a particular product has had a problem that leads to its elimination; something better just comes along. The AFR Enforcer/NKB cylinder heads are that “something better” coming along. Considering the price is only slightly higher than our former line of heads, this has to be the best value in a set of cylinder heads we have ever offered. 

Our cylinder heads are made from AC4B alloy and tempered to T6 standards. Details about this alloy are in the lower section of this ad.

A breakdown of the part number.

 274 designates
the use of longer valves, and dual springs with a damper setup for hyd. roller cams. You will also see the heads listed with the number 274. The
272 designates the use of standard length valves with single springs with a damper,
setup for hyd. flat tappet cams. Feel free to call us if you need assistance deciding what you need for
your build. 

Below is our flowchart on these heads. All tests were performed on a Superflo 1020 bench by our expert head builder. We stand behind the accuracy. We have noticed many other sellers posting what we consider to be false flow numbers on the heads they are selling. We find this to be nothing short of outright fraud. Of course, flow numbers can vary a few points depending on equipment used and testing methods, but not by 15-25 points. Notice the low lift flow numbers produced by our new heads. That is as important as the upper lift numbers, and it’s why these heads produce so much peak power and torque. We are very impressed with the flow numbers of our new heads.

AFR Ford 190cc





























Here is a rundown on the hardware used in these heads and the assembly process.

They come fully assembled with the identical components found in our higher end CNC ported cylinder heads; such as ARP rockers studs, PAC Racing springs, viton valve seals, AFR adjustable guide plates, machined bead valve locks (not stamped), hardened spring cups and our one piece 8mm 21 4N Stainless Steel valves. They are available bare without any parts for the DIY.


If you have been a regular shopper with us, you will have noticed we do offer some knock-off products that are made off-shore. We do also sell many products made in the USA. We have always been very particular as to the quality and workmanship of such products, while considering the cost. We scrutinize our products very carefully and refuse to sell products that simply don’t meet our standards. We have now eliminated another of the low cost knock-off products from our line. The low cost imported rocker arm studs have shown numerous problems unlike those in the past. We have looked at several others on the market, and still find many issues with them that are not acceptable.

Many of the studs had run-out in the shaft of up to an eighth of an inch. This caused major problems with rocker alignment, and depending where the position was when the stud tightened up, would determine the direction of the rocker misalignment. If the warped stud was facing toward or opposite the valve, then the roller tip would would not be centered to the valve tip. This would then create a loss of lift and cause increased wear on the valve tip.

If the warped stud tightened up in a side to side position, then this would allow the rocker tip to be cocked on the valve tip. This would then side load the valve tip with undue pressure, creating a serious wear problem on the side of the valve tip and create excessive wear on the valve guides in the heads. This also side loaded the rocker trunnion and front roller, creating an excessive wear issue in the roller rockers.

We also found a difference in the tread pitch and depth compared to the ARP studs. The rocker studs in an engine are under a tremendous upwards pull and improper thread design may cause the studs to pull out of the head. The ARP studs screw into the heads with a very precise fit and feel.

After thoroughly comparing the ARP studs and several off shore models, I am convinced that we will never offer the off shore studs again, regardless of the price difference. They were never as bad in the past as what we’re seeing now. This run-out was most likely caused by improper heat treating methods.  

We have rejected many products that are outright junk and would cause serious issues in your engine only to see other sellers offering those same exact products. It’s all about learning where to draw the line. 

Studs and guide plates are included. See our other listings for a full selection of accessories. 

See our other listings for valve train related items that you may need for your project.

We are glad to offer many great low cost items, as well as the high end products, but will always give careful consideration to quality, functionality, and overall value.


The AFR cylinder heads are made from AC4B alloy and tempered to T6 standards. You may have heard the alloys 355 and 356 being used on many heads. The alloy used on our heads is similar but slightly different. The AC4B alloy is commonly used by automakers in Europe and Japan. Take notice of the Rm value. This value indicates the tensile strength of an alloy. As you can see, it’s higher than all the other common alloys in this chart. It’s no surprise as to why we have never experienced a failure of any kind with these heads. Zero failures in the casting, zero failures in the seats and guides. We have sold over 5000 pair of these heads over the past four years.

List of Standard Alloy Characteristics

Alloy +B4: H16
































High strength, small elongation
Castability: good, 
for general purposes

Castability: good
Pressure resistance, corrosion resistance: good

Castability: good
Mechanical properties: good

Castability: good
Pressure resistance: good

Corrosion resistance: excellent, 
anode oxidized
not good

Examples of 
applied parts

Crank cases, 
cylinder heads, 
and manifolds

Hydraulic parts, 
transmission cases, 
aircraft parts, 
lighting components, etc.

engine parts, 
hydraulic parts, 
aircraft parts, etc.

Cylinder heads, 
crank cases, 
fuel pump bodies, etc.

Parts for overhead contact lines, 
parts for ships, 
business machines, 
and lighting components for aircraft


Intake Valve Dia:                  2.02″ 

Intake Port volume:              190cc

Intake Port Dim:                    2.0″ x 1.12″

Int Port Location:                   Stock

Intake Gasket:                       Felpro# 1262

Head Gasket:                         Felpro# 10112

Exh Valve Dia.:                      1.600″

Exh Port volume:                   70cc

Exhaust Port Dim:                 

Exh Port Location:                 Stock location & bolt pattern

Exhaust Gasket:                     Depends on what type exhaust you’re using. Best to try and match up the gasket to your header or manifold

Flow, Intake:                          See chart above.

Flow, Exhaust:                       See chart above.   

Head Bolts:                             ARP 154-3601 for 289, 302, and 347 not included. (154-3603 for 351W not included)

Rocker Studs:                         ARP 3/8’s or 7/16’s your choice. Included                      

Manifold:                                Most any. Our line of intakes fit very well on the AFR Enforcer heads. 

Milling:                                   Min. Down to 58.5cc or 64.5 = .060″ See info in this listing for details on this.       

Pistons:                                   Most aftermarket pistons.

Push Rod length:                  

Push rod Guide Plate:           AFR adjustable guide plates included. (for 5/16″ Diameter Pushrods)

Retainers/Locks:                    Chromoly Steel Retainers, with 7° AFR brand machined locks. 

Spark Plug:                             Autolite #3923  14mm x 3/4″ reach

Spring Pockets:                      1.550″ OD    (.030″ deeper max)

Springs:                                   Pacaloy 1.290 premium dual springs. 


Valve Length:                        5.015″   (+.200″) for hydraulic roller cams.   

Valve Stem Dia:                     .3415″      8mm

Valve Train:                           STD SBF 3/8″ or 7/16″ stud mount

Valve Guides:                        1/2″ OD   Int = Mag-bronze      Exh = Phos-bronze (.002″ press)

Valve Guide length:               1.950″        

Valve Guide clearance:         .0014″ – .002″   (with our .3415 dia. valve stem)

Valve Guide Spacing:            1.890″   moved .030″ from stock

Valve Seats:                           Hardened Ductile Iron,   .006″ press    

Valve Seat dim.                       Standard

Valve Seat angles:                 Int = 32° – 45° – 60° – 70°       Exh = 37° – 45° – radius                     

Stud Girdle:                           

Torque:                                  Head Bolts = 65 ft/lb

                                                Rocker Studs = 55 ft/lb

                                                Manifold = 30 ft/lb

Block Use:                              Any SBF Iron or Aluminum  

Weight:                                   59-61 lbs fully assembled pair.

A final note…Skip White Performance…About Us

I’m sure many of you have noticed there were 2 high performance engine builders in Kingsport, TN with similar names, leading to a great amount of confusion. 

We are Skip White Performance, NOT White Performance and Machine or Marine

Due to the name similarity many customers looking for us online inadvertently find them, thinking we are the same company. Definitely not…there is no connection between the two companies. We don’t have a problem with free enterprise (competition). However, when the competition builds their foundation on such things as a name similarity and their supposedly long history of being in business, then we think it’s about time we set the record straight.
We have owned the original White Performance company since 2003, with the exception of the machine shop, which was owned by Fred White at the time. He continued to operate the machine shop and build engines for us while we continued selling online under the eBay user ID of skipwhite and the eBay store name of whiteperformance1. Our official company is Skip White Performance.
Due to their limited production capability and many disagreements about the engine building process and workmanship, we opted to open a full scale machine shop back around 2005. Fred White began competing against us even though our contract had a non-compete clause in it. Around this time we changed our company name to, Skip White Performance to make clear distinction between the two of us. 
As our business grew, we expanded our machine shop, and putting heart and soul in this company, we have become the number one street rod engine builder in the nation. Our engine program is unlike any of the others out there. 
Fred sold his shop, (White Performance & Machine) to an investor in 2016 and the new owners continue to reap the benefits from this confusion between the two shops. This investor lacked any knowledge of this industry. They continued to use the White Performance & Machine name. Contrary to what is posted on their website, Fred White is no longer associated with the company in any way. Their main spiel in advertising is, “In business since 1979,” when in fact, we purchased the White Performance company in 2003, with the exception of the machine shop. 
The great pretenders continued capitalizing on our success due to the name similarity, but degraged our reputation. We were at one time getting calls nearly on a daily basis from people that did not realize there were two shops in this town with very similar names. Due to the confusion, there was an increasing amount of negative feedback that affected our name within the street rod community, when in fact we have a near perfect reputation in this industry. We have an “A+” rating with the Better Business Bureau and we have maintained the A+ rating for many years. As of this notice, (10/20/2021) the great pretenders have an “F” rating on bbb with a fraud alert. Their google reviews will also back up what were saying. Their ebay store was shut down and their score showed a huge amount of negative scoring. Please help us spread this information to any all of your friends in the hot rod community. They are now shut down. Hopefully we can some day restore our name that has been damaged due to the confusion between the two places. 

All in all, we have been in this business going on 20+ years. Skip White’s passion has been owning and building street rods for 50 years on a personal level. The knowledge he has gained over time has allowed him to venture into this business and succeed to a very high level.
Help protect others in the hot rod community and share this info with them.  
FAST FORWARD TO PRESENT DAY…We have become the largest street rod engine builder in the nation. Our engines, rotating assemblies, and cylinder heads are built to very high standards and shipped to our customers in a timely manner. We are a premier seller on eBay with a 99.5 or greater positive feedback score of well over 212,000 and growing.

    • We are not responsible for collateral damage caused by the use of this product.



Should a problem occur, please contact us. If a return is necessary, please contact us for an RGA number and return authorization. The RGA number must be included on the return label. If an item is returned without an RGA number, it will not be processed. A full description of what the problem is needs to be included with any returned product with your contact info, and proof of purchase. Even though you may have explained the problem to us, and been granted permission to return the product, we must have a written explanation and a contact number included with the product. It is also recommended that you include the name of the person from our company that you have been in contact with. You must send the item back to us in a trackable manner (USPS Priority Mail, FedEx, etc.) and keep the tracking info of the returned product. Please give ample time for returns to be processed. Following these guidelines will make the return process work as it should.  



We offer great discounts on shipping. You only pay the full shipping fee on the highest shipping cost of your items, and HALF PRICE shipping on all additional items. Few offer discounts on shipping such as this. Our checkout system will automatically calculate your shipping discount at the time of final payment, providing you consolidate your payment.


You may receive a verification and tracking number shortly after purchase, but this does not necessarily mean that your product has shipped. It would be fair to say that 98% of products will be going out the day the shipping label is issued. On occasion, the product may not ship out until the next day after the label has been issued. Most products purchased late in the day will not be shipped until the next day.  


If you checkout and start over, the auto calculator will not recognize the multiple purchases, and there will be no shipping discount. 


UPS is our primary shipper. We are unable to ship to APO/FPO addresses or PO Boxes. Help us ship your order promptly by including your physical address at checkout. Below is a map representing the estimated delivery time to get to you from our location.


Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods.


UPS map cm photo 952da038-b20f-4971-ad31-d263445b61f6.jpg




UPS delivers Monday – Friday, except for national holidays. If a package leaves here on a Thursday, and you are in a 2 day delivery zone, your package will deliver to you on Monday. Expedited shipping is available upon request for an additional fee. Please contact us for rates. The estimated shipping time is usually as the map shows, but many factors can delay this. 

Alaska is in a 3-day ship zone, Hawaii is in a 6-day ship zone, and Puerto Rico is in a 4-day ship zone. Additional fees will apply to shipments to these areas, as noted below.


The shipping quoted in this ad is only for the 48 continental United States. If shipping to anywhere else, please contact us. The half price shipping on all additional items also only applies to items that are being shipped in the 48 continental United States.

Additional information



OE/OEM Part Number

1351 X 2 "PAIR"

Part Brand


Items Included

3/8 or 7/16 Studs (please specify in notes) & Guide Plates

Manufacturer Part Number





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